CAAPS for Datascape

Acumen Data and Datacom IT have forged a strategic partnership to amplify the advantages of Datascape. CAAPS is an addition to the Datascape ERP to facilitate Automated Accounts Payable Processing. By integrating CAAPS with the Datascape ERP system, we offer seamless processing that notably boosts Accounts Payable productivity. Here’s how CAAPS enhances the Datascape experience:

  • Automated Statement Reconciliation: Simplify your processes and save time.

  • Bank Account Change Detection: Stay updated and in control.

  • Fraud Detection: Proactively safeguard against potential threats.

  • Duplicate and Invalid Invoice Rejection: Ensure clean and accurate data input.

  • Intelligent Routing: New supplier invoices are automatically sent to the most suitable person for setting up the new supplier in Datascape.

  • Automated Cost Coding: Streamline your accounting processes.

Interested in heightening productivity, minimizing errors, and bolstering security?